Industry - Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton

Latest data: 12/20/2024 10:22:22 PM
1 Month
Buy/Sell Ratio --
Buy Sell
$70,863 --
2 Insiders 0 Insiders
2 Transactions 0 Transactions
11/20/2024 to 12/20/2024
3 Month
Buy/Sell Ratio --
Buy Sell
$100,813 --
3 Insiders 0 Insiders
3 Transactions 0 Transactions
9/20/2024 to 12/20/2024
6 Month
Buy/Sell Ratio --
Buy Sell
$305,302 --
8 Insiders 0 Insiders
10 Transactions 0 Transactions
6/20/2024 to 12/20/2024
12 Month
Buy/Sell Ratio --
Buy Sell
$327,016 --
8 Insiders 0 Insiders
12 Transactions 0 Transactions
12/20/2023 to 12/20/2024

Monthly Buy and Sell Value

Monthly Buy/Sell Ratio

Most Insider Buying

12 months

Most Insider Selling

12 months
Name Value Transactions

Most Unique Insiders Buying (>25K)

12 months
Name Unique insiders Total Trades
Culp Inc 3 4
Crown Crafts Inc 2 3

Most Unique Insiders Selling (>25K)

12 months
Name Unique insiders Total Trades

Companies with activity

1 Month 6 Month 12 Month
Name Ratio Buy $ Sell $ Ratio Buy $ Sell $ Ratio Buy $ Sell $
Culp Inc -- $70,863 $0 -- $161,421 $0 -- $183,135 $0
Crown Crafts Inc -- $0 $0 -- $143,881 $0 -- $143,881 $0