All Sectors Summary

Latest data: 12/20/2024 10:22:22 PM
1 Month
Buy/Sell Ratio 0.07
Buy Sell
$506.66 M ($7,537.98) M
685 Insiders 2161 Insiders
1132 Transactions 3374 Transactions
11/20/2024 to 12/20/2024
3 Month
Buy/Sell Ratio 0.10
Buy Sell
$2,221.02 M ($21,756.72) M
1461 Insiders 4194 Insiders
2838 Transactions 8103 Transactions
9/20/2024 to 12/20/2024
6 Month
Buy/Sell Ratio 0.09
Buy Sell
$3,553.60 M ($37,917.44) M
2507 Insiders 6368 Insiders
5647 Transactions 15843 Transactions
6/20/2024 to 12/20/2024
12 Month
Buy/Sell Ratio 0.07
Buy Sell
$5,506.17 M ($82,545.39) M
4411 Insiders 10101 Insiders
11910 Transactions 32215 Transactions
12/20/2023 to 12/20/2024

Monthly Insider Buy and Sell Value

Monthly Insider Buy/Sell Ratio

Most Unique Insiders Buying (>25K)

12 months

Most Unique Insiders Selling (>25K)

12 months

Insider Activity by Sector

1 Month 6 Month 12 Month
Sector Ratio Buy $ Sell $ Ratio Buy $ Sell $ Ratio Buy $ Sell $
Unknown 41.18 $176,532,788 ($4,287,321) 16.35 $320,513,568 ($19,607,240) 5.62 $553,072,149 ($98,406,486)
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 0.71 $613,267 ($868,021) 0.05 $750,688 ($15,925,529) 0.07 $2,084,524 ($28,629,386)
Wholesale Trade 0.15 $6,291,958 ($43,349,712) 0.12 $24,243,904 ($197,586,453) 0.11 $49,398,513 ($455,753,292)
Mining 0.08 $22,221,446 ($281,720,921) 0.23 $119,777,772 ($530,669,269) 0.15 $195,119,547 ($1,268,454,034)
Retail Trade 0.06 $19,478,999 ($323,732,535) 0.02 $166,525,718 ($7,873,568,468) 0.01 $216,184,258 ($21,349,280,502)
Manufacturing 0.05 $97,341,045 ($1,836,669,885) 0.15 $1,538,777,433 ($10,155,193,200) 0.12 $2,262,664,579 ($18,944,733,192)
Construction 0.04 $4,868,535 ($109,505,456) 0.02 $10,467,287 ($496,199,392) 0.02 $22,090,827 ($938,328,328)
Services 0.04 $139,475,405 ($3,156,569,044) 0.03 $348,301,431 ($13,035,826,438) 0.04 $951,802,696 ($26,074,731,361)
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 0.02 $27,911,384 ($1,207,524,271) 0.21 $740,034,977 ($3,463,860,632) 0.15 $915,976,138 ($6,132,362,017)
Transportation & Utilities 0.02 $11,922,653 ($573,753,805) 0.13 $284,211,311 ($2,129,005,779) 0.05 $337,774,776 ($7,254,710,153)
Public Administration -- $0 $0 -- $0 $0 -- $0 $0